Do you have jokes, puns, poems, short stories, fun facts, pictures, news, quotations, recipes, ideas, or anything else that is amusing or educational that you would like to share with us? Or, would you like to let us know that you think we have made an error or that you have seen something on the site that you believe is not wholesome? And, additionally, if you have any other reason you would like to contact us, we want you to know that you are free to do so. Our email address is [email protected].
If you are under 26 years of age, you must get permission from your parents or other adults who are responsible for you before sending an email to us, and in your message please tell us:
□ Your first name only and not your last name. (We do not usually publish the last names of persons who are under 26 years of age, in order to protect their privacy and the privacy of their families.)
□ Your age in years.
□ Name of your city or town or village but not your street address or other physical address, again, for privacy reasons.
□ Name of your state or province or territory.
□ Name of your country or region.
□ What you want to tell us.
If you are under 26 years of age, we will show only your first name, age, and the name of your city or town or village and the name of your state or province or territory and the name of your country or region with what you send to us in order to protect the privacy of you and your family. We consider 26 years of age to be the age of adulthood because the area of the human brain responsible for judgment and decision making reaches a state of physical maturation in most individuals at about that age, even though the rest of their bodies may have stopped growing years before.
If you are 26 years of age or older, please tell us:
□ Your first name.
□ Your last name but only if you want it to be published with what you send to us.
□ Name of your city or town or village but not your street address or other physical address, for privacy reasons.
□ Name of your state or province or territory.
□ Name of your country or region.
□ What you want to tell us.
For submissions that are requested to appear on the website, if you are 26 years of age or older, your first or first and last name (please specify) and location (city, state, country) will appear with what you send to us if it is published.
For people of all ages, you can also choose to be ‘anonymous’ and have your name, age, or location not shown (just let us know if that is your preference). If you request that we publish what you send to us, and if what you send to us meets our standards for wholesomeness, it will be posted for all visitors to the website to see.
Please be sure to tell us if what you send to us was written by you or if you copied it or got it from someone or somewhere else, and if so, who or where you got it from. For example, you might have taken a photograph or written a joke or a poem yourself, or you might have gotten it from a book or a website or a person, and we need to know that information.
We will not sell or disclose your personal information to others, and we do not maintain files on people who contact us. We believe people are entitled to their privacy and people are entitled not to have unwanted spam and junk mail and other unsolicited offers sent to them.
We try to reply to messages in a timely and personal manner, but please be patient; when life gets busy, we sometimes need a few weeks to get back to people.
If you are under 26 years of age, you must get permission from your parents or other adults who are responsible for you before sending an email to us, and in your message please tell us:
□ Your first name only and not your last name. (We do not usually publish the last names of persons who are under 26 years of age, in order to protect their privacy and the privacy of their families.)
□ Your age in years.
□ Name of your city or town or village but not your street address or other physical address, again, for privacy reasons.
□ Name of your state or province or territory.
□ Name of your country or region.
□ What you want to tell us.
If you are under 26 years of age, we will show only your first name, age, and the name of your city or town or village and the name of your state or province or territory and the name of your country or region with what you send to us in order to protect the privacy of you and your family. We consider 26 years of age to be the age of adulthood because the area of the human brain responsible for judgment and decision making reaches a state of physical maturation in most individuals at about that age, even though the rest of their bodies may have stopped growing years before.
If you are 26 years of age or older, please tell us:
□ Your first name.
□ Your last name but only if you want it to be published with what you send to us.
□ Name of your city or town or village but not your street address or other physical address, for privacy reasons.
□ Name of your state or province or territory.
□ Name of your country or region.
□ What you want to tell us.
For submissions that are requested to appear on the website, if you are 26 years of age or older, your first or first and last name (please specify) and location (city, state, country) will appear with what you send to us if it is published.
For people of all ages, you can also choose to be ‘anonymous’ and have your name, age, or location not shown (just let us know if that is your preference). If you request that we publish what you send to us, and if what you send to us meets our standards for wholesomeness, it will be posted for all visitors to the website to see.
Please be sure to tell us if what you send to us was written by you or if you copied it or got it from someone or somewhere else, and if so, who or where you got it from. For example, you might have taken a photograph or written a joke or a poem yourself, or you might have gotten it from a book or a website or a person, and we need to know that information.
We will not sell or disclose your personal information to others, and we do not maintain files on people who contact us. We believe people are entitled to their privacy and people are entitled not to have unwanted spam and junk mail and other unsolicited offers sent to them.
We try to reply to messages in a timely and personal manner, but please be patient; when life gets busy, we sometimes need a few weeks to get back to people.