The Golden Rule
Speak a kind word when you can;
Kind words cost but little.
This is far the better plan;
Human hearts are brittle.
Life is all too short for strife;
Peace and love are golden,
For they serve to lengthen life,
So say sages olden!
Let us lend a helping hand
To each weary brother;
Are we not a pilgrim band,
Bound to one another?
Our reward shall greater be
When we get to heaven,
If to duty faithfully
We have daily striven!
Life to us is like a school
Where our good behavior
Should be as ‘the Golden Rule’
Taught us by our Savior -
‘Do to others as you would
That they should do to you';
Then shall we be truly good,
And life’s regrets be few!
By John Imrie
John James Imrie was born on 28 May 1846 in Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. He moved to Canada in 1871. He became a poet, a printer, and a publisher. He was married to Elizabeth McJanet. John James Imrie passed on at 56 years of age on 10 November 1902 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Speak a kind word when you can;
Kind words cost but little.
This is far the better plan;
Human hearts are brittle.
Life is all too short for strife;
Peace and love are golden,
For they serve to lengthen life,
So say sages olden!
Let us lend a helping hand
To each weary brother;
Are we not a pilgrim band,
Bound to one another?
Our reward shall greater be
When we get to heaven,
If to duty faithfully
We have daily striven!
Life to us is like a school
Where our good behavior
Should be as ‘the Golden Rule’
Taught us by our Savior -
‘Do to others as you would
That they should do to you';
Then shall we be truly good,
And life’s regrets be few!
By John Imrie
John James Imrie was born on 28 May 1846 in Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. He moved to Canada in 1871. He became a poet, a printer, and a publisher. He was married to Elizabeth McJanet. John James Imrie passed on at 56 years of age on 10 November 1902 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.