Don’t Say We’re Old
You may think we’re old guys,
You may call us senior citizens,
You may call us elderly,
But just you stop to consider . . .
We call ourselves living the good life,
Because we made it!
We endured the hard times,
We even survived the good times!
We made it past high chairs,
We made it through grade school,
Middle and high school,
College and trade school!
Our first and last jobs,
Mortgages and car payments,
Children and grandchildren,
We made it to the good life!
In conclusion, we want you to know we wouldn’t have missed any of those things for the whole world, but yet and still . . . now our time is finally our own to choose to spend as we like. We’ve got our wives and growing grand-families and our friends, we’ve got our homes, our years of work that built our successes . . . we’re not old, we’re experienced, and we’re not frail, we’re taking our time on the scenic route . . . and we’ve still got a lot of living to do on this big blue marble!
by David Hugh Beaumont
David Hugh Beaumont was born in 1966 in the United States of America. He is a website content creator, a writer, a researcher, and an editor.
You may think we’re old guys,
You may call us senior citizens,
You may call us elderly,
But just you stop to consider . . .
We call ourselves living the good life,
Because we made it!
We endured the hard times,
We even survived the good times!
We made it past high chairs,
We made it through grade school,
Middle and high school,
College and trade school!
Our first and last jobs,
Mortgages and car payments,
Children and grandchildren,
We made it to the good life!
In conclusion, we want you to know we wouldn’t have missed any of those things for the whole world, but yet and still . . . now our time is finally our own to choose to spend as we like. We’ve got our wives and growing grand-families and our friends, we’ve got our homes, our years of work that built our successes . . . we’re not old, we’re experienced, and we’re not frail, we’re taking our time on the scenic route . . . and we’ve still got a lot of living to do on this big blue marble!
by David Hugh Beaumont
David Hugh Beaumont was born in 1966 in the United States of America. He is a website content creator, a writer, a researcher, and an editor.