Fun Easy Foods Quiz for 30 January 2019
Can you name the foods shown above?
Clockwise from top left, the foods shown are as follows.
- red onion, whole.
- tomato, quartered, or sliced into 4 pieces.
- parsley, fresh and green.
- peppercorns, whole, which can be ground into pepper seasoning.
- cucumber, sliced lengthwise.
If the vegetables were sliced thinner, and the pepper was ground, could they be mixed together to make a salad?
Can you name the foods shown above?
Clockwise from top left, the foods shown are as follows.
- red onion, whole.
- tomato, quartered, or sliced into 4 pieces.
- parsley, fresh and green.
- peppercorns, whole, which can be ground into pepper seasoning.
- cucumber, sliced lengthwise.
If the vegetables were sliced thinner, and the pepper was ground, could they be mixed together to make a salad?