In an event that could have effects all across the known Universe, Owen Jeffers missed his flight at London’s Heathrow Airport yesterday. Experts suggest that if he had not stayed up the night before to watch a rerun of the critically acclaimed “Godzilla versus Bruce Lee” on the television, he might have made it on time, not only to catch his flight, but also to participate in the unusual sights, sounds, and smells of the human zoo that are the primary entertainment at airports for modern-day travelers.
“We don’t know for sure yet what cosmic ripples may have been started by this occurrence,” says on-time expert Doctor Zane Vertigone, “but we highly recommend that all persons make an effort to get to where they need to be on time, wherever those places might be.”
-Disassociated Press International (DPI)
“We don’t know for sure yet what cosmic ripples may have been started by this occurrence,” says on-time expert Doctor Zane Vertigone, “but we highly recommend that all persons make an effort to get to where they need to be on time, wherever those places might be.”
-Disassociated Press International (DPI)