“God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.” -Franz Kafka
“Difficulties are just God’s errands. If we are sent upon them, it is an evidence of His confidence. Therefore, let us be glad, be happy, for it is a way of being wise.” -Ardeth G. Kapp
“The will of a wealthy New York woman in addition to distributing her worldly goods to her children left them the following advice: Love one another. Hold fast to that whether you understand one another or not and remember nothing really matters except being kind to one another in the name of Christ and to all the world as far as you can reach.” -James Keller
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly host! Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost!” -Thomas Ken
“God gave His children memory that in life’s garden there might be June roses in December.” -G. A. Studdert Kennedy: “Roses in December” (similar quotation attributed to James Matthew Barrie)
“We have taught our people to use prayer too much as a means of comfort, not in the original and heroic sense of uplifting, inspiring, strengthening, but in the more modern and baser sense of soothing sorrow, dulling pain, and drying tears, the comfort of the cushion not the comfort of the Cross.” -G. A. Studdert Kennedy
Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy, also known as G. A. Studdert Kennedy, was born in 1883. Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy passed on in 1929.
“I pray that we will treat each and every one of our Heavenly Father’s children lovingly tenderly and individually as He would have us treat them. I also pray that we will always be mindful of the power each one of us has to make a difference and to influence the world in which we live.” -W. Rolfe Kerr
“Church is for sinners.” -Eli Khamarov: “The Old Working Model”
“God created out of nothing - wonderful you say: yes to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.” -Søren Kierkegaard (Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)): “Journal” (7 July 1838)
“Never cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him, for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved; the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle again.” -Søren Kierkegaard
“Prayer does not change God, but changes him who prays.” -Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard was born on 5 May 1813 in Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark. He was a philosopher, theologian, poet, and social critic. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard passed on at 42 years of age on 11 November 1855 in Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark.
“Many people spend most of their time working in the service of a self-image that includes sufficient money, stocks, bonds, investment portfolios, property, credit cards, furnishings, automobiles, and the like to guarantee carnal security throughout, it is hoped, a long and happy life. Forgotten is the fact that our assignment is to use these many resources in our families and quorums to build up the kingdom of God - to further the missionary effort and the genealogical and temple work; to raise our children up as fruitful servants unto the Lord; to bless others in every way, that they may also be fruitful. Instead, we expend these blessings on our own desires.” -Spencer W. Kimball
“One good but mistaken man I know claimed he could get more out of a good book on Sunday than he could get in attending church services, saying that the sermons were hardly up to his standards. But we do not go to Sabbath meetings to be entertained or even solely to be instructed. We go to worship the Lord. It is an individual responsibility, and regardless of what is said from the pulpit, if one wishes to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, he may do so by attending his meetings, partaking of the sacrament, and contemplating the beauties of the gospel. If the service is a failure to you, you have failed. No one can worship for you; you must do your own waiting upon the Lord.” -Spencer W. Kimball
“Offer daily to be of use to the Lord.” -Kate L. Kirkham (12 April 1994)
“I can say the Lord’s prayer in ten seconds.” -Evel Knieval
“One man with God is always a majority.” -attributed to John Knox: inscription on the Reformation Monument in Geneva, Switzerland
John Knox was born in about 1513 in Giffordgate, Haddington, Scotland. He was a Christian Protestant religious leader, a minister, a theologian and a writer. John Knox passed on at about 59 years of age on 24 November 1572 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
“One of the sages of the Talmud taught nearly 200 years ago that God could have created a plant that would grow loaves of bread. Instead He created wheat for us to mill and bake into bread. Why? So that we could be His partners in completing the work of creation.” -Harold Kushner
“God gives the nuts, but he does not crack them.” -Franz Kafka
“Difficulties are just God’s errands. If we are sent upon them, it is an evidence of His confidence. Therefore, let us be glad, be happy, for it is a way of being wise.” -Ardeth G. Kapp
“The will of a wealthy New York woman in addition to distributing her worldly goods to her children left them the following advice: Love one another. Hold fast to that whether you understand one another or not and remember nothing really matters except being kind to one another in the name of Christ and to all the world as far as you can reach.” -James Keller
“Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him all creatures here below! Praise Him above ye heavenly host! Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost!” -Thomas Ken
“God gave His children memory that in life’s garden there might be June roses in December.” -G. A. Studdert Kennedy: “Roses in December” (similar quotation attributed to James Matthew Barrie)
“We have taught our people to use prayer too much as a means of comfort, not in the original and heroic sense of uplifting, inspiring, strengthening, but in the more modern and baser sense of soothing sorrow, dulling pain, and drying tears, the comfort of the cushion not the comfort of the Cross.” -G. A. Studdert Kennedy
Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy, also known as G. A. Studdert Kennedy, was born in 1883. Geoffrey Anketell Studdert Kennedy passed on in 1929.
“I pray that we will treat each and every one of our Heavenly Father’s children lovingly tenderly and individually as He would have us treat them. I also pray that we will always be mindful of the power each one of us has to make a difference and to influence the world in which we live.” -W. Rolfe Kerr
“Church is for sinners.” -Eli Khamarov: “The Old Working Model”
“God created out of nothing - wonderful you say: yes to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.” -Søren Kierkegaard (Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)): “Journal” (7 July 1838)
“Never cease loving a person, and never give up hope for him, for even the prodigal son who had fallen most low, could still be saved; the bitterest enemy and also he who was your friend could again be your friend; love that has grown cold can kindle again.” -Søren Kierkegaard
“Prayer does not change God, but changes him who prays.” -Soren Kierkegaard (1813 - 1855)
Søren Aabye Kierkegaard was born on 5 May 1813 in Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark. He was a philosopher, theologian, poet, and social critic. Søren Aabye Kierkegaard passed on at 42 years of age on 11 November 1855 in Copenhagen, Kingdom of Denmark.
“Many people spend most of their time working in the service of a self-image that includes sufficient money, stocks, bonds, investment portfolios, property, credit cards, furnishings, automobiles, and the like to guarantee carnal security throughout, it is hoped, a long and happy life. Forgotten is the fact that our assignment is to use these many resources in our families and quorums to build up the kingdom of God - to further the missionary effort and the genealogical and temple work; to raise our children up as fruitful servants unto the Lord; to bless others in every way, that they may also be fruitful. Instead, we expend these blessings on our own desires.” -Spencer W. Kimball
“One good but mistaken man I know claimed he could get more out of a good book on Sunday than he could get in attending church services, saying that the sermons were hardly up to his standards. But we do not go to Sabbath meetings to be entertained or even solely to be instructed. We go to worship the Lord. It is an individual responsibility, and regardless of what is said from the pulpit, if one wishes to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, he may do so by attending his meetings, partaking of the sacrament, and contemplating the beauties of the gospel. If the service is a failure to you, you have failed. No one can worship for you; you must do your own waiting upon the Lord.” -Spencer W. Kimball
“Offer daily to be of use to the Lord.” -Kate L. Kirkham (12 April 1994)
“I can say the Lord’s prayer in ten seconds.” -Evel Knieval
“One man with God is always a majority.” -attributed to John Knox: inscription on the Reformation Monument in Geneva, Switzerland
John Knox was born in about 1513 in Giffordgate, Haddington, Scotland. He was a Christian Protestant religious leader, a minister, a theologian and a writer. John Knox passed on at about 59 years of age on 24 November 1572 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
“One of the sages of the Talmud taught nearly 200 years ago that God could have created a plant that would grow loaves of bread. Instead He created wheat for us to mill and bake into bread. Why? So that we could be His partners in completing the work of creation.” -Harold Kushner