Do the Best You Can
If I were a cobbler, I’d make it my pride
The best of all cobblers to be;
If I were a tinker, no tinker beside
Should mend an old kettle like me.
And being a ploughman, I plough with the best,
No furrow runs straighter than mine;
I waste not a moment, and stay not to rest,
Though idlers to tempt me combine.
Yet I wish not to boast, for trust I have none
In aught I can do or can be;
I rest in my Savior, and what He has done,
To ransom poor sinners like me.
by Author Unknown
If I were a cobbler, I’d make it my pride
The best of all cobblers to be;
If I were a tinker, no tinker beside
Should mend an old kettle like me.
And being a ploughman, I plough with the best,
No furrow runs straighter than mine;
I waste not a moment, and stay not to rest,
Though idlers to tempt me combine.
Yet I wish not to boast, for trust I have none
In aught I can do or can be;
I rest in my Savior, and what He has done,
To ransom poor sinners like me.
by Author Unknown