Alphabet of Animals
A: aardvark, abalone, adder, African elephant, agouti, albatross, albacore tuna, alligator, alpaca, amoeba, Amur leopard, anaconda, angelfish, angora goat, ant, anteater, antelope, ape, arctic fox, arctic wolf, armadillo, Asian elephant, aye-aye.
B: baboon, badger, bald eagle, barracuda, bat, bearded dragon, bear, beaver, bee, beetle, Beluga whale, Bengal tiger, bighorn sheep, bird, bison, black-footed ferret, blue whale, boa constrictor, boar, bobcat, bottle-nose dolphin, buffalo, burro, butterfly.
C: camel, Canadian goose, canary, capybara, caracal, cardinal, caribou, cassowary, cat, caterpillar, cattle, cattle egret, capybara, caterpillar, centipede, chameleon, cheetah, chicken, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, clam, cobra, cottontail, cougar, coyote, crab, crayfish, cricket, crocodile.
D: deer, dingo, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, dormouse, dove, dragonfly, dromedary, duck.
E: eagle, earthworm, echidna, eel, egret, eland, elephant, elk, emu.
F: falcon, Fennec fox, ferret, finch, firefly, fish, flamingo, fly, flying squirrel, fox, frilled dragon, frog.
G: garden snake, gazelle, gecko, gerbil, giant panda, gibbon, Gila monster, giraffe, gnat, gnu, goat, goldfish, gopher, goose, gorilla, grasshopper, great white shark, grizzly bear, groundhog, Guinea pig.
H: hammerhead shark, hamster, hare, hartebeest, hawk, hedgehog, hermit crab, heron, hippopotamus, hog, honey badger, horse, hummingbird, hyena.
I: ibex, ibis, iguana, impala, inchworm, ivory-billed woodpecker.
J: jack rabbit, jackal, jaguar, jelly fish, jerboa, June bug.
K: kangaroo, killdeer, killer whale, King Cobra, kingfisher, kitten, kiwi, koala, Komodo dragon, kob, kookaburra.
L: ladybug, lamprey, lemming, lemur, leopard, lion, lizard, llama, lobster, lorikeet, lynx.
M: macaw, mallard, manatee, margay, marmoset, marmot, meerkat, mink, mockingbird, mole, mongoose, monkey, moose, mosquito, mountain goat, mountain lion, mouse, mule, muskrat, mustang.
N: narwhal, nene goose, newt, nightingale, nyala.
O: ocelot, octopus, okapi, opossum, orangutan, orca, oriole, oryx, osprey, ostrich, otter, owl, ox.
P: panda, panther, parakeet, parrot, partridge, peafowl, peccary, pelican, penguin, pheasant, pig, pigeon, piranha, platypus, polar bear, pony, porcupine, porpoise, prairie dog, praying mantis, primate, pronghorn, puffin, puppy, puma, python.
Q: quail, quelea (bird), quetzal (bird), quokka (mammal), quoll (marsupial).
R: rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, red fox, reindeer, rhesus monkey, rhinoceros, roadrunner, robin.
S: salamander, sand dollar, scorpion, sea horse, sea lion, seal, serval, shark, sheep, shrew, skunk, sloth, snail, snake, snow leopard, sparrow, spectacled bear, spider, spider monkey, spoonbill, springbok, squirrel, starfish, stingray, stork, swan, swallow.
T: tapir, tarantula, tern, tiger, tiger shark, toad, tortoise, toucan, tree frog, trout, tufted titmouse, turkey, turtle.
U: uakari monkey, umbrella bird, sea urchin, urutu snake.
V: vampire bat, vicuna, viper, vole, vulture.
W: wallaby, walrus, warthog, wasp, water buffalo, weasel, whale, white rhino, white-tailed deer, whooping crane, wildebeest, wolf, wolverine, wombat, woodpecker, worm.
X: xantus bird, Xebu, xenops, xerus (African ground squirrel), x-ray fish, Xyloryctes beetle (Rhinoceros beetle).
Y: yak, yellow-finned tuna, yellowhammer, yellow jacket.
Z: zander fish, zebra, zebu.
You can help us by letting us know if we have missed any animals in the ‘Animal Alphabet.’ We don’t want to leave anyone out, because every animal is important - and they, too, like to ‘Make Fun Of Life!’
A: aardvark, abalone, adder, African elephant, agouti, albatross, albacore tuna, alligator, alpaca, amoeba, Amur leopard, anaconda, angelfish, angora goat, ant, anteater, antelope, ape, arctic fox, arctic wolf, armadillo, Asian elephant, aye-aye.
B: baboon, badger, bald eagle, barracuda, bat, bearded dragon, bear, beaver, bee, beetle, Beluga whale, Bengal tiger, bighorn sheep, bird, bison, black-footed ferret, blue whale, boa constrictor, boar, bobcat, bottle-nose dolphin, buffalo, burro, butterfly.
C: camel, Canadian goose, canary, capybara, caracal, cardinal, caribou, cassowary, cat, caterpillar, cattle, cattle egret, capybara, caterpillar, centipede, chameleon, cheetah, chicken, chimpanzee, chinchilla, chipmunk, clam, cobra, cottontail, cougar, coyote, crab, crayfish, cricket, crocodile.
D: deer, dingo, dinosaur, dog, dolphin, donkey, dormouse, dove, dragonfly, dromedary, duck.
E: eagle, earthworm, echidna, eel, egret, eland, elephant, elk, emu.
F: falcon, Fennec fox, ferret, finch, firefly, fish, flamingo, fly, flying squirrel, fox, frilled dragon, frog.
G: garden snake, gazelle, gecko, gerbil, giant panda, gibbon, Gila monster, giraffe, gnat, gnu, goat, goldfish, gopher, goose, gorilla, grasshopper, great white shark, grizzly bear, groundhog, Guinea pig.
H: hammerhead shark, hamster, hare, hartebeest, hawk, hedgehog, hermit crab, heron, hippopotamus, hog, honey badger, horse, hummingbird, hyena.
I: ibex, ibis, iguana, impala, inchworm, ivory-billed woodpecker.
J: jack rabbit, jackal, jaguar, jelly fish, jerboa, June bug.
K: kangaroo, killdeer, killer whale, King Cobra, kingfisher, kitten, kiwi, koala, Komodo dragon, kob, kookaburra.
L: ladybug, lamprey, lemming, lemur, leopard, lion, lizard, llama, lobster, lorikeet, lynx.
M: macaw, mallard, manatee, margay, marmoset, marmot, meerkat, mink, mockingbird, mole, mongoose, monkey, moose, mosquito, mountain goat, mountain lion, mouse, mule, muskrat, mustang.
N: narwhal, nene goose, newt, nightingale, nyala.
O: ocelot, octopus, okapi, opossum, orangutan, orca, oriole, oryx, osprey, ostrich, otter, owl, ox.
P: panda, panther, parakeet, parrot, partridge, peafowl, peccary, pelican, penguin, pheasant, pig, pigeon, piranha, platypus, polar bear, pony, porcupine, porpoise, prairie dog, praying mantis, primate, pronghorn, puffin, puppy, puma, python.
Q: quail, quelea (bird), quetzal (bird), quokka (mammal), quoll (marsupial).
R: rabbit, raccoon, rat, rattlesnake, red fox, reindeer, rhesus monkey, rhinoceros, roadrunner, robin.
S: salamander, sand dollar, scorpion, sea horse, sea lion, seal, serval, shark, sheep, shrew, skunk, sloth, snail, snake, snow leopard, sparrow, spectacled bear, spider, spider monkey, spoonbill, springbok, squirrel, starfish, stingray, stork, swan, swallow.
T: tapir, tarantula, tern, tiger, tiger shark, toad, tortoise, toucan, tree frog, trout, tufted titmouse, turkey, turtle.
U: uakari monkey, umbrella bird, sea urchin, urutu snake.
V: vampire bat, vicuna, viper, vole, vulture.
W: wallaby, walrus, warthog, wasp, water buffalo, weasel, whale, white rhino, white-tailed deer, whooping crane, wildebeest, wolf, wolverine, wombat, woodpecker, worm.
X: xantus bird, Xebu, xenops, xerus (African ground squirrel), x-ray fish, Xyloryctes beetle (Rhinoceros beetle).
Y: yak, yellow-finned tuna, yellowhammer, yellow jacket.
Z: zander fish, zebra, zebu.
You can help us by letting us know if we have missed any animals in the ‘Animal Alphabet.’ We don’t want to leave anyone out, because every animal is important - and they, too, like to ‘Make Fun Of Life!’