Every family should have a family historian, or perhaps two, or maybe a threesome, or more - you probably cannot have too many!
Collect from each member of the family and relative the following items.
□ A lock of hair, naturally colored, or gray, or white, or whatever is available.
□ A piece of paper with an autograph, or signature, on it.
□ A photograph or photographs.
□ Some physical details about the person, such as height, eye color, freckles, and so on.
□ Some detail about the person’s life, such as type of work he or she does, accomplishments, honors, and so on.
□ Date of birth.
□ A favorite quotation, joke, poem, short written paragraph, story, or note from the person.
Put each person’s items together on a page of a photograph album or scrapbook or in a frame or box. Keep it in a special place so that it will be available in the years to come, as for example, at family visits or reunions.
Collect from each member of the family and relative the following items.
□ A lock of hair, naturally colored, or gray, or white, or whatever is available.
□ A piece of paper with an autograph, or signature, on it.
□ A photograph or photographs.
□ Some physical details about the person, such as height, eye color, freckles, and so on.
□ Some detail about the person’s life, such as type of work he or she does, accomplishments, honors, and so on.
□ Date of birth.
□ A favorite quotation, joke, poem, short written paragraph, story, or note from the person.
Put each person’s items together on a page of a photograph album or scrapbook or in a frame or box. Keep it in a special place so that it will be available in the years to come, as for example, at family visits or reunions.