Santa Claus’s Visit
With a click and a clack
And a great big pack,
Down through the chimney,
Pretty nimbly
Somebody comes
On Christmas Eve!
If we are real nice
And as still as mice,
If we never peep,
And are sound asleep,
He’ll fill our stockings,
I do believe!
And when we arise
Next day our eyes
Will grow big to see
How perfectly
He knew what we all
Wished to receive!
By Susie M. Best
With a click and a clack
And a great big pack,
Down through the chimney,
Pretty nimbly
Somebody comes
On Christmas Eve!
If we are real nice
And as still as mice,
If we never peep,
And are sound asleep,
He’ll fill our stockings,
I do believe!
And when we arise
Next day our eyes
Will grow big to see
How perfectly
He knew what we all
Wished to receive!
By Susie M. Best