“Ask yourself who you want to help today, then put on your cape and do it.” -Scottie Somers
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Charitable Giving and Helping” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Judy: Who can leap higher than a tall building?
Jody: Anybody, because tall buildings cannot leap!
Darla: Why did the superhero cross the road?
Marla: To get to the supermarket.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Road Crossings” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Overheard: I am not saying I am Batman, I am just saying that no one has ever seen me and Batman in a room together.
Myrna: What is Batman’s favorite part of a joke?
Verna: The ‘punch’ line!
We have a great idea for a new superhero: Spudman. Like all potato people, he has many ‘eyes’ so he can simultaneously see in all directions without having to turn and look. His secret hideout is underground in a farm field, although he is often spotted in the produce section at grocery stores. He has to contend with a number of villainous chefs who want to turn him into garlic mashed potatoes, onion-potato cakes, a bacon-and-chives topped stuffed baked potato, or other fabulous foodstuffs, while he tries to save the people of Vegopolis from a massive celery famine, all the while being distracted by Sweet Potato and Candied Yam, both of whom are competing for his attention . . . what’s that . . . oh, gotta go, the boss is yelling at us to stop goofing around and get back to work!
Eunice: Why is Superman’s shirt so tight?
Eustice: Because it is a size ‘S’!
Kirby: How does the butler Alfred Pennyworth call Batman to dinner?
Herbie: “Dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-Batman!!!” (Sing it to the tune of the 1960’s “Batman” television show theme music to get the full effect of the joke.)
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Charitable Giving and Helping” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Judy: Who can leap higher than a tall building?
Jody: Anybody, because tall buildings cannot leap!
Darla: Why did the superhero cross the road?
Marla: To get to the supermarket.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Road Crossings” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Overheard: I am not saying I am Batman, I am just saying that no one has ever seen me and Batman in a room together.
Myrna: What is Batman’s favorite part of a joke?
Verna: The ‘punch’ line!
We have a great idea for a new superhero: Spudman. Like all potato people, he has many ‘eyes’ so he can simultaneously see in all directions without having to turn and look. His secret hideout is underground in a farm field, although he is often spotted in the produce section at grocery stores. He has to contend with a number of villainous chefs who want to turn him into garlic mashed potatoes, onion-potato cakes, a bacon-and-chives topped stuffed baked potato, or other fabulous foodstuffs, while he tries to save the people of Vegopolis from a massive celery famine, all the while being distracted by Sweet Potato and Candied Yam, both of whom are competing for his attention . . . what’s that . . . oh, gotta go, the boss is yelling at us to stop goofing around and get back to work!
Eunice: Why is Superman’s shirt so tight?
Eustice: Because it is a size ‘S’!
Kirby: How does the butler Alfred Pennyworth call Batman to dinner?
Herbie: “Dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-dinner-Batman!!!” (Sing it to the tune of the 1960’s “Batman” television show theme music to get the full effect of the joke.)
Overheard: If I could be a superhero, I would be called Ironic. That way, when there is any trouble and I am running away from it, people would say, “Isn’t that Ironic?”
Every episode of the television show “Seinfeld” has a Superman picture, action figure, or reference somewhere in it.
Alvin: What is Spiderman’s favorite month?
Vincent: Webruary.
Superman first appeared in “Action Comics no. 1” (June 1938).
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Beginnings And Starting” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
People tend to think they are physically stronger when wearing Superman t-shirts.
Superboy: Why could Batman and Robin not go fishing?
Superman: Why?
Superboy: Because Robin ate all the worms!
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Fishing and Anglers” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Spiderman went to the video rental store and asked if he could have “Batman Forever.” The clerk said, “No, just 24 hours like everyone else.”
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Time” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Emma: How does Spiderman repair holes in his costume?
Emmit: With super glue!
“Not all superheroes wear capes . . . some of them wear funny hats.” -David Hugh Beaumont (born 1966)
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Hats And Headwear” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Charlene: What would you get if Batman and his sidekick Robin were run over by a herd of stampeding elephants?
Darlene: Flatman and Ribbon.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Elephants” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Every episode of the television show “Seinfeld” has a Superman picture, action figure, or reference somewhere in it.
Alvin: What is Spiderman’s favorite month?
Vincent: Webruary.
Superman first appeared in “Action Comics no. 1” (June 1938).
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Beginnings And Starting” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
People tend to think they are physically stronger when wearing Superman t-shirts.
Superboy: Why could Batman and Robin not go fishing?
Superman: Why?
Superboy: Because Robin ate all the worms!
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Fishing and Anglers” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Spiderman went to the video rental store and asked if he could have “Batman Forever.” The clerk said, “No, just 24 hours like everyone else.”
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Time” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Emma: How does Spiderman repair holes in his costume?
Emmit: With super glue!
“Not all superheroes wear capes . . . some of them wear funny hats.” -David Hugh Beaumont (born 1966)
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Hats And Headwear” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Charlene: What would you get if Batman and his sidekick Robin were run over by a herd of stampeding elephants?
Darlene: Flatman and Ribbon.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Elephants” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
The unassuming Clark Kent wears regular-people clothes, but when he becomes Superman, he rapidly changes into a colorful red-and-blue spandex suit with a cape - so what does he do with his regular clothes when he is in super-mode? Rumor has it that he wears his superhero outfit under his regular clothes, and that he has a hidden pocket in his cape, into which he places his super-neatly-folded regular clothes. Mystery solved!
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Attire and Accessories” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
The bat-mobile lost its wheels,
And Joker got away!
-Author Unknown
Superman, also known as Clark Kent, was created in 1934 by Jerome ‘Jerry’ Siegel, a graduate of Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America. Mr. Siegel’s partner, Joseph ‘Joe’ Shuster, improved the character with tights, a cape, and a handsome face. They moved to New York City, where they faced hard times and sold all rights to the comic-strip character to DC Comics for a mere $130. In June 1938, the first Superman comic appeared, and the muscle-bound flying man ‘really took off.’
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Creativity And Innovation” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Merlin: What was Batman doing in a tree?
Marlena: Looking for Robin.
Superheroes wear costumes made of space-age materials such as Spandex and Mylar.
As the mild-mannered Clark Kent, Superman is afraid of girls. He is probably worried that he will run into the one he stole the red-and-blue outfit he wears from.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Fears And Courage” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
The Lone Ranger + Time Travel Machine = Batman?
Archie: What is green and sour and flies?
Archibald: Super Pickle!
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Pickles” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
The name ‘Clark Kent’ (Superman) was derived from the names of actors Clark Gable and Kent Taylor.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Fun Facts and Trivia” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Ernest: What is the difference between the Green Lantern and a leprechaun?
Nestor: Nothing; they are both fictional characters.
Legal disclaimer on an actual superhero costume: Wearing this costume does not enable its wearer to fly.
Amy: Why did Batman cross the road?
Jamie: To be a good example by showing people how to cross safely!
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware my power . . .
Green Lantern’s light!
-Green Lantern
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read Poetic Epigrams Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
“DC Comics is reviving Superman’s old outfit. I never understood Superman’s clothes. We all got used to the fact that he wears his underpants over the leotard. But why do his underpants have a belt on them?” -Jay Leno (James Douglas Muir ‘Jay’ Leno (born 1950))
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Attire and Accessories” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Jingle Bells, Batman smells,
Robin laid an egg,
The bat-mobile lost its wheels,
And Joker got away!
-Author Unknown
Superman, also known as Clark Kent, was created in 1934 by Jerome ‘Jerry’ Siegel, a graduate of Glenville High School in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America. Mr. Siegel’s partner, Joseph ‘Joe’ Shuster, improved the character with tights, a cape, and a handsome face. They moved to New York City, where they faced hard times and sold all rights to the comic-strip character to DC Comics for a mere $130. In June 1938, the first Superman comic appeared, and the muscle-bound flying man ‘really took off.’
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Creativity And Innovation” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Merlin: What was Batman doing in a tree?
Marlena: Looking for Robin.
Superheroes wear costumes made of space-age materials such as Spandex and Mylar.
As the mild-mannered Clark Kent, Superman is afraid of girls. He is probably worried that he will run into the one he stole the red-and-blue outfit he wears from.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Fears And Courage” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
The Lone Ranger + Time Travel Machine = Batman?
Archie: What is green and sour and flies?
Archibald: Super Pickle!
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Pickles” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
The name ‘Clark Kent’ (Superman) was derived from the names of actors Clark Gable and Kent Taylor.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Fun Facts and Trivia” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Ernest: What is the difference between the Green Lantern and a leprechaun?
Nestor: Nothing; they are both fictional characters.
Legal disclaimer on an actual superhero costume: Wearing this costume does not enable its wearer to fly.
Amy: Why did Batman cross the road?
Jamie: To be a good example by showing people how to cross safely!
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight
Let those who worship evil’s might,
Beware my power . . .
Green Lantern’s light!
-Green Lantern
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read Poetic Epigrams Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
“DC Comics is reviving Superman’s old outfit. I never understood Superman’s clothes. We all got used to the fact that he wears his underpants over the leotard. But why do his underpants have a belt on them?” -Jay Leno (James Douglas Muir ‘Jay’ Leno (born 1950))
It’s just an ordinary day in the life of a superhero . . . who lives by the code, “Do a good deed each day.”
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Kindnesses And Good Deeds” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Does ‘Spiderman’ have a ‘website’?
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun And Learning About Questions And Queries” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Mathilda: Where do superheroes hold their annual convention?
Hilda: Cape Town.
William Moulton Marston was the creator of the fictional superhero character Wonder Woman. Additionally, he invented the polygraph, also known as ‘the lie detector.’ Perhaps then it is then no coincidence that Wonder Woman possesses a ‘golden lasso of truth’?
Unlikely Superheroes
- Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Repair Man: He not only sells you a vacuum cleaner, but he also fixes it if is ever broken.
- Shoe Collector Woman: Travels through the air in a flying shoe and throws shoes at criminals.
- Hysterical Parrot: Shows up and causes so much chaos and confusion that villains give up and flee the scene.
- Ironman: Saves people by removing the wrinkles from their clothes, as for example, just before their job interviews and weddings.
- The Historian: Has the power to become any person in history.
- The Caped Politician: Watches over polling places to make sure nobody cheats by voting more than once.
- The Cheapskate: A superhero who saves the world by showing people how to do everything for less money.
- The Element: A superhero who can become anything on the Periodic Table.
- The Grenade: A superhero who explodes and then later reassembles.
- The Ponderer: A superhero who stands by with his finger to his cheek and once in a while says, “Hmmm . . .”
- Cat Lady: Lives in a mobile home, has 41 pet cats, and you can imagine the rest.
- Can you think of others?
Superman climbed the Empire State Building to challenge King Kong to a fight. King Kong said, “I don’t have time - I’ve got to catch a plane!”
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Kindnesses And Good Deeds” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Does ‘Spiderman’ have a ‘website’?
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun And Learning About Questions And Queries” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Mathilda: Where do superheroes hold their annual convention?
Hilda: Cape Town.
William Moulton Marston was the creator of the fictional superhero character Wonder Woman. Additionally, he invented the polygraph, also known as ‘the lie detector.’ Perhaps then it is then no coincidence that Wonder Woman possesses a ‘golden lasso of truth’?
Unlikely Superheroes
- Vacuum Cleaner Sales & Repair Man: He not only sells you a vacuum cleaner, but he also fixes it if is ever broken.
- Shoe Collector Woman: Travels through the air in a flying shoe and throws shoes at criminals.
- Hysterical Parrot: Shows up and causes so much chaos and confusion that villains give up and flee the scene.
- Ironman: Saves people by removing the wrinkles from their clothes, as for example, just before their job interviews and weddings.
- The Historian: Has the power to become any person in history.
- The Caped Politician: Watches over polling places to make sure nobody cheats by voting more than once.
- The Cheapskate: A superhero who saves the world by showing people how to do everything for less money.
- The Element: A superhero who can become anything on the Periodic Table.
- The Grenade: A superhero who explodes and then later reassembles.
- The Ponderer: A superhero who stands by with his finger to his cheek and once in a while says, “Hmmm . . .”
- Cat Lady: Lives in a mobile home, has 41 pet cats, and you can imagine the rest.
- Can you think of others?
Superman climbed the Empire State Building to challenge King Kong to a fight. King Kong said, “I don’t have time - I’ve got to catch a plane!”
This looks like a job for a superhero . . . or perhaps it is a job for you . . .
Things Robin, The Boy Wonder, Never Said
- We’re doomed for sure this time, Batman!
- You’re Batman, I’m Robin - let’s just flap our wings and fly out of this predicament.
- So, I’ve been trying to figure this out, Batman - are you really half man, half bat, or is that just a costume?
- After we finish our next crime-fighting caper, can we stop at the ice cream shop for ice cream Sundaes?
Can you think of others things Robin never said?
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Nonsense” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Why do superheroes wear their underpants on the outside of their clothes? Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all wear elaborate costumes. The trio of superhero characters was created between 1935 and 1945. They were meant to be men and women of action, so their costumes were based on the men and women of action of the time. Superman’s costume was originally like that of a circus strongman. Wonder Woman’s was modeled on the costume of a trapeze artist. Their costumes were meant to be flashy and exciting and glamorous. Batman’s costume was based more on the black-and-white ‘film noir’ movies of the times, which were about dark avengers who skulked about in the shadows, scaring the wits out of criminals (Sounds like fun, right? Maybe you should consider a career in law enforcement.). Because Batman was meant to be a scary character, his costume made him look like a creepy creature from the shadows. Those costume styles stuck and became clichéd, particularly since the three characters had become instant hits of that time period. So, when new superheroes began to arrive, they also tended to have capes and tights just like circus-strongman Superman wears, or colorful trapeze outfits like Wonder Woman wears, or dark cloaks and scary masks like Batman wears. Because superhero creators are competitive, the result over time was that superhero costumes became more and more show-offish. And, what looks like underwear worn on the outside of their superhero costumes is actually tight shorts commonly worn by circus performers of the time, which gave them freedom of movement as they did their stunts to entertain audiences. What may look like belts holding up their ‘underpants’ are ‘utility belts’ which can hold any number of tools and devices the superheroes deploy in their crime-fighting adventures.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun And Learning About History” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Heather: Where does Spiderman hang out?
Heath: On the worldwide web.
“Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!” -George Lother, making the program introduction for the “Superman” radio show (first broadcast 12 February 1940)
Some superheroes have sidekicks, or partners, and some superheroes have no sidekicks.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Differences And Individuality” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
If Iron Man and the Silver Surfer ever teamed up, would they become ‘alloys’?
Thaddeus: Why did Batman go to the pet shop?
Tad: To buy a Robin.
Superheroes Quiz
- What characteristics or traits do superheroes have in common with you?
- If you were a superhero, what would you choose as your alter-ego name?
- Which superhero would you like to have lunch with?
- If you were a superhero, what would your costume look like?
- Other than as entertainment, do superheroes serve any useful purpose?
- What people from history most resemble superheroes?
Mel: What was Batman’s ‘real’ name?
Nel: Bruce Wayne.
Overheard: If I could be any superhero, I would be Aluminum Man, and so my superpower would be ‘foiling’ crime . . . If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?
Hope: How many caped crusaders does it take to change a light bulb?
Faith: None; for some reason, they actually seem to prefer the dark.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Light Bulbs And Artificial Lighting” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Aaron: What position did Bruce Wayne play on his little-league team?
Erin: He was the batboy.
Despite his name, ‘Spiderman’ does not eat bugs. He eats regular people food, just like the rest of us do.
Customer: Where does Superman shop for groceries?
Cashier: At the Supermarket!
We are MFOL! . . . remember to smile every chance you get . . . it’s your superpower and it signifies you are a real-life superhero!
Things Robin, The Boy Wonder, Never Said
- We’re doomed for sure this time, Batman!
- You’re Batman, I’m Robin - let’s just flap our wings and fly out of this predicament.
- So, I’ve been trying to figure this out, Batman - are you really half man, half bat, or is that just a costume?
- After we finish our next crime-fighting caper, can we stop at the ice cream shop for ice cream Sundaes?
Can you think of others things Robin never said?
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Nonsense” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Why do superheroes wear their underpants on the outside of their clothes? Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman all wear elaborate costumes. The trio of superhero characters was created between 1935 and 1945. They were meant to be men and women of action, so their costumes were based on the men and women of action of the time. Superman’s costume was originally like that of a circus strongman. Wonder Woman’s was modeled on the costume of a trapeze artist. Their costumes were meant to be flashy and exciting and glamorous. Batman’s costume was based more on the black-and-white ‘film noir’ movies of the times, which were about dark avengers who skulked about in the shadows, scaring the wits out of criminals (Sounds like fun, right? Maybe you should consider a career in law enforcement.). Because Batman was meant to be a scary character, his costume made him look like a creepy creature from the shadows. Those costume styles stuck and became clichéd, particularly since the three characters had become instant hits of that time period. So, when new superheroes began to arrive, they also tended to have capes and tights just like circus-strongman Superman wears, or colorful trapeze outfits like Wonder Woman wears, or dark cloaks and scary masks like Batman wears. Because superhero creators are competitive, the result over time was that superhero costumes became more and more show-offish. And, what looks like underwear worn on the outside of their superhero costumes is actually tight shorts commonly worn by circus performers of the time, which gave them freedom of movement as they did their stunts to entertain audiences. What may look like belts holding up their ‘underpants’ are ‘utility belts’ which can hold any number of tools and devices the superheroes deploy in their crime-fighting adventures.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun And Learning About History” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Heather: Where does Spiderman hang out?
Heath: On the worldwide web.
“Faster than a speeding bullet! More powerful than a locomotive! Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superman!” -George Lother, making the program introduction for the “Superman” radio show (first broadcast 12 February 1940)
Some superheroes have sidekicks, or partners, and some superheroes have no sidekicks.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Differences And Individuality” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
If Iron Man and the Silver Surfer ever teamed up, would they become ‘alloys’?
Thaddeus: Why did Batman go to the pet shop?
Tad: To buy a Robin.
Superheroes Quiz
- What characteristics or traits do superheroes have in common with you?
- If you were a superhero, what would you choose as your alter-ego name?
- Which superhero would you like to have lunch with?
- If you were a superhero, what would your costume look like?
- Other than as entertainment, do superheroes serve any useful purpose?
- What people from history most resemble superheroes?
Mel: What was Batman’s ‘real’ name?
Nel: Bruce Wayne.
Overheard: If I could be any superhero, I would be Aluminum Man, and so my superpower would be ‘foiling’ crime . . . If you could have one superpower, which would you choose?
Hope: How many caped crusaders does it take to change a light bulb?
Faith: None; for some reason, they actually seem to prefer the dark.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the rest of the article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Light Bulbs And Artificial Lighting” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
Aaron: What position did Bruce Wayne play on his little-league team?
Erin: He was the batboy.
Despite his name, ‘Spiderman’ does not eat bugs. He eats regular people food, just like the rest of us do.
Customer: Where does Superman shop for groceries?
Cashier: At the Supermarket!
We are MFOL! . . . remember to smile every chance you get . . . it’s your superpower and it signifies you are a real-life superhero!