Croesus Discovers
I thought I was a poor man all my days,
And only late I knew
Riches that filled my soul with glad amaze,
All-marvelous to view.
How am I shamed that I have hung my head
The way a pauper bends!
I should have walked the earth a king instead;
My friends - I had my friends!
by Author Unknown
Croesus was born in 595 B.C.E. He became a king of Lydia from 560 B.C.E. until 546 B.C.E. During that time, he amassed a considerable amount of gold. In 546 B.C.E., Cyrus, the king of Persia, went to war with Croesus, and took away his gold. With no gold, Croesus discovered he had something worth more remaining: the riches of friendship. Croesus passed on in 547 B.C.E.
I thought I was a poor man all my days,
And only late I knew
Riches that filled my soul with glad amaze,
All-marvelous to view.
How am I shamed that I have hung my head
The way a pauper bends!
I should have walked the earth a king instead;
My friends - I had my friends!
by Author Unknown
Croesus was born in 595 B.C.E. He became a king of Lydia from 560 B.C.E. until 546 B.C.E. During that time, he amassed a considerable amount of gold. In 546 B.C.E., Cyrus, the king of Persia, went to war with Croesus, and took away his gold. With no gold, Croesus discovered he had something worth more remaining: the riches of friendship. Croesus passed on in 547 B.C.E.