A Dog’s Life
Yours a dog’s life, do you moan?
Courage, brother! cease to groan.
Many men, as on they jog,
Live much worse than any dog.
Yours a dog’s life? Then, my boy,
It’s a life crammed full of joy! -
Merry breezes, meadows fair,
Birds and brooks and sunny air.
Dogs? why, dogs are never sad!
See them capering like mad!
See them frisk their jolly way
Through the livelong laughing day!
Dog’s life? Then you’ll never rust.
Dog’s life? Then you’ll hope and trust;
Then you’ll say in jaunty glee,
“Bones have been, and bones will be.”
Cheery, active, trusting, true, -
There’s a canine goal for you!
Live a dog’s life, if you can:
You will be the better man!
by Author Unknown
Yours a dog’s life, do you moan?
Courage, brother! cease to groan.
Many men, as on they jog,
Live much worse than any dog.
Yours a dog’s life? Then, my boy,
It’s a life crammed full of joy! -
Merry breezes, meadows fair,
Birds and brooks and sunny air.
Dogs? why, dogs are never sad!
See them capering like mad!
See them frisk their jolly way
Through the livelong laughing day!
Dog’s life? Then you’ll never rust.
Dog’s life? Then you’ll hope and trust;
Then you’ll say in jaunty glee,
“Bones have been, and bones will be.”
Cheery, active, trusting, true, -
There’s a canine goal for you!
Live a dog’s life, if you can:
You will be the better man!
by Author Unknown