Sometimes You Just Have to Carry On
When life hands you a surprise and you wind
Up somewhere you didn’t plan on being, maybe
It’s time to stop and rest, read some good books,
Regroup, and stop trying so hard. Do
Some things you may not have taken the time
To do for yourself before. Take time to study;
All of us need to be constantly growing in
Wisdom. Feed your soul by being quiet,
By just being rather than doing.
Try not to worry or fuss or fume. Try to look
At this situation as a challenge rather than an
Obstacle, a time to develop patience.
Say to yourself: “I can handle this.
This is not too big for me.”
Realize you can change you’re your attitude
Even if you can’t change the circumstances.
Look closely at your troubles. Don’t let them
Cause you to give up.
Befriend them. Say: “I’m
Not afraid. I’m going to learn from you.” Feel
Them lose their power over you. Allow them to
Teach you some lesson you needed to learn and
Move on.
You’re going to deal with this.
You’re going to uncover some things about yourself
Even you didn’t know. You’re going to find strength
You didn’t know you had and grace to handle
Whatever comes along.
Just remember that everything changes, so it’s
Just a matter of time until this trial will be
Over and you will draw strength from the
Knowledge that even though life handed you a
Challenge, you survived; you carried on.
by Author Unknown
When life hands you a surprise and you wind
Up somewhere you didn’t plan on being, maybe
It’s time to stop and rest, read some good books,
Regroup, and stop trying so hard. Do
Some things you may not have taken the time
To do for yourself before. Take time to study;
All of us need to be constantly growing in
Wisdom. Feed your soul by being quiet,
By just being rather than doing.
Try not to worry or fuss or fume. Try to look
At this situation as a challenge rather than an
Obstacle, a time to develop patience.
Say to yourself: “I can handle this.
This is not too big for me.”
Realize you can change you’re your attitude
Even if you can’t change the circumstances.
Look closely at your troubles. Don’t let them
Cause you to give up.
Befriend them. Say: “I’m
Not afraid. I’m going to learn from you.” Feel
Them lose their power over you. Allow them to
Teach you some lesson you needed to learn and
Move on.
You’re going to deal with this.
You’re going to uncover some things about yourself
Even you didn’t know. You’re going to find strength
You didn’t know you had and grace to handle
Whatever comes along.
Just remember that everything changes, so it’s
Just a matter of time until this trial will be
Over and you will draw strength from the
Knowledge that even though life handed you a
Challenge, you survived; you carried on.
by Author Unknown