The Joy Of Doing
The secret of happiness is in knowing this: that we live by the law of expenditure. We find greatest joy, not in getting, but in expressing what we are. There are tides in the ocean of life, and what comes in depends on what goes out. The currents flow inward only where there is an outlet. Nature does not give to those who will not spend; her gifts are loaned to those who will use them. Empty your lungs and breathe. Run, climb, work, and laugh; the more you give out, the more you shall receive. Be exhausted, and you shall be fed. Men do not really live for honors or for pay; their gladness is not in the taking and holding, but in the doing, the striving, the building, the living. It is a higher joy to teach than to be taught. It is good to get justice, but better to do it; fun to have things but more to make them. The happy man is he who lives the life of love, not for the honors it may bring, but for the life itself.
By Raymond John Baughan: “Undiscovered Country” (1946)
Raymond John Baughan, Junior was born on 19 June 1912 in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States of America. He was married to Mildred E. Thayer. He served as a minister in the Unitarian Universalist Church for 42 years, and a was a writer. Among his published books is “If the Shoe Fits” (1992). Raymond John Baughan, Junior passed on at 80 years of age on 15 February 1993 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the next article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Actions And Doing” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.
By Raymond John Baughan: “Undiscovered Country” (1946)
Raymond John Baughan, Junior was born on 19 June 1912 in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut, United States of America. He was married to Mildred E. Thayer. He served as a minister in the Unitarian Universalist Church for 42 years, and a was a writer. Among his published books is “If the Shoe Fits” (1992). Raymond John Baughan, Junior passed on at 80 years of age on 15 February 1993 in Worcester, Worcester County, Massachusetts, United States of America.
Continue scrolling down this website page to read the next article, or click or tap on these words to read “Humor And Inspiration And Learning About Actions And Doing” Gathered By David Hugh Beaumont.