The Happiest Season
The question, “Which is the happiest season of life?” was asked of an aged man, and he replied: “When Spring comes, and in the soft air the buds are breaking on the trees, and they are covered with blossoms, I think, ‘How beautiful is Spring!’ and when the Summer comes, and covers the trees with its heavy foliage, and singing birds are among the branches, I think, ‘How beautiful is Summer!’ When Autumn loads them with golden fruit, and their leaves bear the gorgeous tint of frost, I think, ‘How beautiful is Autumn!’ and when in the midst of Winter, and there is neither foliage nor fruit, then I look up through the leafless branches, as I never could before, and I see the stars sparkling like diamonds.”
By Author Unknown
The question, “Which is the happiest season of life?” was asked of an aged man, and he replied: “When Spring comes, and in the soft air the buds are breaking on the trees, and they are covered with blossoms, I think, ‘How beautiful is Spring!’ and when the Summer comes, and covers the trees with its heavy foliage, and singing birds are among the branches, I think, ‘How beautiful is Summer!’ When Autumn loads them with golden fruit, and their leaves bear the gorgeous tint of frost, I think, ‘How beautiful is Autumn!’ and when in the midst of Winter, and there is neither foliage nor fruit, then I look up through the leafless branches, as I never could before, and I see the stars sparkling like diamonds.”
By Author Unknown