The Busy Man
If you want to get a favor done
By some obliging friend,
And want a promise, safe and sure,
On which you may depend,
Don’t go to him who always has
Much leisure time to plan,
But if you want your favor done,
Just ask the busy man.
The man with leisure never has
A moment he can spare,
He’s always “putting off” until
His friends are in despair.
But he whose every waking hour
Is crowded full of work
Forgets the art of wasting time,
He cannot stop to shirk.
So when you want a favor done,
And want it right away,
Got to the man who constantly
Works twenty hours a day.
He’ll find a moment, sure, somewhere,
That has no other use,
And help you, while the idle man
Is framing an excuse.
By William Henry Hills
If you want to get a favor done
By some obliging friend,
And want a promise, safe and sure,
On which you may depend,
Don’t go to him who always has
Much leisure time to plan,
But if you want your favor done,
Just ask the busy man.
The man with leisure never has
A moment he can spare,
He’s always “putting off” until
His friends are in despair.
But he whose every waking hour
Is crowded full of work
Forgets the art of wasting time,
He cannot stop to shirk.
So when you want a favor done,
And want it right away,
Got to the man who constantly
Works twenty hours a day.
He’ll find a moment, sure, somewhere,
That has no other use,
And help you, while the idle man
Is framing an excuse.
By William Henry Hills