MISTAKES - An Acronymic Explanation to Help Keep Mistakes in Perspective
M - Messages that give us feedback about life.
I - Interruptions that should cause us to reflect and think.
S - Signposts that direct us to the right path.
T- Tests that push us toward greater maturity.
A - Awakenings that keep us in the game mentally.
K - Keys that we can use to unlock the window of opportunity.
E - Explorations that let us journey where we’ve never been before.
S - Statements about our development and progress.
By Author Unknown
M - Messages that give us feedback about life.
I - Interruptions that should cause us to reflect and think.
S - Signposts that direct us to the right path.
T- Tests that push us toward greater maturity.
A - Awakenings that keep us in the game mentally.
K - Keys that we can use to unlock the window of opportunity.
E - Explorations that let us journey where we’ve never been before.
S - Statements about our development and progress.
By Author Unknown