Happiness Is A Habit
1. Live a simple life. Be temperate in your habits. Avoid self-seeking and selfishness. Make simplicity the keynote of your daily plans. Simple things are best.
2. Think constructively. Train yourself to think clearly and accurately. Store your mind with useful thoughts. Stand guard at the door of your mind.
3. Cultivate a yielding disposition. Resist the common tendency to always want your own way. Try to see the other’s viewpoint.
4. Be grateful. Begin the day with gratitude for your opportunities. Be glad for the privilege of life and work.
5. Work with right motives. The highest purpose of your life should be to grow in spiritual grace and power.
6. Be interested in others. Divert your mind from self-centeredness. In the degree that you give, serve, and help, you will experience the by-product of happiness.
7. Live in a daytight compartment. That is, live one day at a time. Concentrate on your immediate task. Make the most of today. Plan for tomorrow, but live for today.
8. Have a hobby. Nature study, walking, gardening, music, golfing, carpentry, stamp collecting, sketching, voice culture, foreign language, chess, books, photography, social service, public speaking, travel, authorship. Cultivate an avocation to which you turn for diversion and relaxation.
By Author Unknown: as published in “Second Chance Newsletter” (April 1991)
1. Live a simple life. Be temperate in your habits. Avoid self-seeking and selfishness. Make simplicity the keynote of your daily plans. Simple things are best.
2. Think constructively. Train yourself to think clearly and accurately. Store your mind with useful thoughts. Stand guard at the door of your mind.
3. Cultivate a yielding disposition. Resist the common tendency to always want your own way. Try to see the other’s viewpoint.
4. Be grateful. Begin the day with gratitude for your opportunities. Be glad for the privilege of life and work.
5. Work with right motives. The highest purpose of your life should be to grow in spiritual grace and power.
6. Be interested in others. Divert your mind from self-centeredness. In the degree that you give, serve, and help, you will experience the by-product of happiness.
7. Live in a daytight compartment. That is, live one day at a time. Concentrate on your immediate task. Make the most of today. Plan for tomorrow, but live for today.
8. Have a hobby. Nature study, walking, gardening, music, golfing, carpentry, stamp collecting, sketching, voice culture, foreign language, chess, books, photography, social service, public speaking, travel, authorship. Cultivate an avocation to which you turn for diversion and relaxation.
By Author Unknown: as published in “Second Chance Newsletter” (April 1991)