A Teddy Bear’s Guide To Life
Be quiet and understanding.
Stay soft and warm.
Be there to absorb the tears.
Make life more bearable.
Be charming and irresistible.
Take opportunities to paws and reflect.
Provide a sympathetic ear.
Muzzle your temper.
Stroll barefoot in the park.
Console and comfort others.
Always be ready to play.
Be available to cushion the hard lumps in life.
Provide unconditional love.
Never miss an opportunity to hug.
Love the simple things in life.
Provide a loving atmosphere in your home.
Never betray a confidence.
Curl up with children for a bedtime story.
Be gentle.
Avoid garage sales - you might get sold!
When thing get grizzly, grin and bear it.
Be everyone’s best friend.
Be unbearably cute and cuddly.
Take every opportunity for a nap.
Invite all your friends to a picnic.
Be humble and polite.
Take a honey break daily.
Bear in mind that silence is often the best answer.
Provide warm fuzzies for all.
Fill an empty spot in someone’s heart.
Don’t be overbearing.
Cheer up a lonely person.
Remember, love bears all things.
Always be faithful and true.
By Author Unknown
Continue scrolling down this website page to read more articles, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Teddy Bears” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.
Be quiet and understanding.
Stay soft and warm.
Be there to absorb the tears.
Make life more bearable.
Be charming and irresistible.
Take opportunities to paws and reflect.
Provide a sympathetic ear.
Muzzle your temper.
Stroll barefoot in the park.
Console and comfort others.
Always be ready to play.
Be available to cushion the hard lumps in life.
Provide unconditional love.
Never miss an opportunity to hug.
Love the simple things in life.
Provide a loving atmosphere in your home.
Never betray a confidence.
Curl up with children for a bedtime story.
Be gentle.
Avoid garage sales - you might get sold!
When thing get grizzly, grin and bear it.
Be everyone’s best friend.
Be unbearably cute and cuddly.
Take every opportunity for a nap.
Invite all your friends to a picnic.
Be humble and polite.
Take a honey break daily.
Bear in mind that silence is often the best answer.
Provide warm fuzzies for all.
Fill an empty spot in someone’s heart.
Don’t be overbearing.
Cheer up a lonely person.
Remember, love bears all things.
Always be faithful and true.
By Author Unknown
Continue scrolling down this website page to read more articles, or click or tap on these words to read “Fun and Learning about Teddy Bears” gathered by David Hugh Beaumont.