Say It!
You have a friend - a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl. For some reason you love him very much. Have you ever told him so? Perhaps he would like to have you say it.
Your friend has helped you along the way in the days gone by. Gratitude is in your heart. Do not let it lie buried there - say it.
Some joy comes his way. You rejoice with him. But he will never know it unless you say it.
An honor comes to him. He wins the game of life, and you are glad - say it.
Your friend succeeds in some task which he has undertaken. You feel a grateful pride that he has done it - say it.
A sorrow comes his way. He may have lost his property. Some of his loved ones may have gone wrong. Disease may have laid its hand on him, taking away the glow of health. You would share the sorrow with him - say it.
A personal word, a telephone call, a postcard, a letter, a telegram, and only a few minutes of time! Silent sympathy. Your own life may be better because of it; but your friend may go to the end of the journey and never know. You may add to the joy; you may lighten the load; you may brighten the way if you only take the time to say it.
By Bernard W. Spilman
You have a friend - a man, a woman, a boy, or a girl. For some reason you love him very much. Have you ever told him so? Perhaps he would like to have you say it.
Your friend has helped you along the way in the days gone by. Gratitude is in your heart. Do not let it lie buried there - say it.
Some joy comes his way. You rejoice with him. But he will never know it unless you say it.
An honor comes to him. He wins the game of life, and you are glad - say it.
Your friend succeeds in some task which he has undertaken. You feel a grateful pride that he has done it - say it.
A sorrow comes his way. He may have lost his property. Some of his loved ones may have gone wrong. Disease may have laid its hand on him, taking away the glow of health. You would share the sorrow with him - say it.
A personal word, a telephone call, a postcard, a letter, a telegram, and only a few minutes of time! Silent sympathy. Your own life may be better because of it; but your friend may go to the end of the journey and never know. You may add to the joy; you may lighten the load; you may brighten the way if you only take the time to say it.
By Bernard W. Spilman